Well since I have a little break in my day I guess I'll update.
I'm starting to get the hang of this stay-at-home-mama job down. And I'm actually enjoying it... Although it has been a huge transition/change for me to do so. I never realized going from driving a hour+ round trip every day and having 9 hours of Adult interaction to kid only interaction with most week days not even leaving the house would be such a hard thing for me. But it's definitely been a lot harder than I thought. I actually have been kinda stressed with all the changes(from not working to having 2 kiddos running around here), etc in all honestly. I'm hoping soon that stress will soon go down a little. But on the bright side I have enjoyed spending LOTS of time with Desi and for a while Isaac. Unfortunately, Isaac left to go back up to Wyoming with his mama. But he will be back to hang out with us again! For about 9 days, while Isaac was still here, Mike's mom and step-dad (who live in West Virginia about 4 hours away from my mama and dad) came and visited with us. It was nice meeting them and getting to know them. Desi loved hanging out with them as well. They are fun people! And now it's just Desi, Mike, and me again. Needless to say we have been spending a LOT of time in the pool. Desi always has been and still is my water babay. Unfortunately, she leaves to go to spend the rest of the summer up in Utah, next Friday the 24th. She will be there for about 5 LONG weeks. But when she comes back, 2 weeks later she will officially be turning 5(on August 14th)and starting Kindergarten(August 15th)!!!! She is beyond excited. But I can't believe how fast these years have gone! My 'baby' is growing up! Way too fast! Oh and have I mentioned how tall she is?? She is as tall as most 6 year olds are! And she's all legs! So yea, while she's gone, I'm going to be rather lonely during the day...which means lots of working on my tan and I am thinking about joining Curves with one of my friends, Heather to give me something to do...
Other than that, not too much going on right now. Desi just got her summer hair cut which is absolutely adorable on her!

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