Haven't posted a lot lately...not a lot going on... My 'pop'(grandpa) who was 95 died.... So i was able to fly back to NC to see my family which was nice. It had been awhile. I also got my baby back a few weeks ago. I got to have mothers day with her which was great! I love my daughter to death! On that note, I am excited that I will get to become a stay at home mom as of Thursday May 19th, taking care of my daughter and my boyfriend Mike's son Isaac. This will be something new for me since I've never been able to be a stay at home mom... even when I was married and Desi was a baby. but I'm very excited and can't wait! This will be a totally new and fun adventure!

Mreena! That is wonderful news! I'm so glad you get to stay home and be a momma! You look so happy and I love that! Love you guys