April-Desiree and I took a little trip with my friend Desi and her daughter to the beach in California. Let's just say I never wanted to leave! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the beach!
May-Well... nothing exciting happened that I can remember.
June-Desiree went and spent 3 weeks with her dad up in Utah. Austin and I met in Vegas to exchange Desiree.

I had PLENTY of alone time. I managed to go out with roughly about 14 different guys in 3 weeks on dates. Needless to say I wasn't very bored those three weeks. Dating is fun... and good for me...
Also, in the "me time weeks" I decided to go back to my "roots". Yes that's right I am back to being a blonde again....

Also, during June Desiree had her first slumber party...Oreos, breakfast, hair straightening, shoe fashion show(yes with my shoes), etc filled...Good times.

Oh and it was my first slumber party as a mom. Such a crazy thing to think about! My baby is growing up *tear*
Oh! And I also had the chance to hang out with one of the guys that served as a missionary in my ward in Chambersburg,Pa.(and as pretty much everyone knows I LOVED missionaries when I was younger hehe). Kinda a crazy thing! But it was tons of fun getting to see him and actually go to dinner after 7 years of not seeing him. Lots to catch up on. I'm sure we'll hang out again.

And so yea, there's my update...I'll try to be better from now on :-)
OH!!! I forgot mostly importantly I saw Eclipse and can I just say I LOVED it!!!!! Jacob is sooooooooooooo hot and this movie he has no shirt on the most of the time...which was sooo a-ok with me!!!!