So yesterday (Saturday the 18th) was Desiree Jo's first dance recital. Can I just tell you it was the best thing ever watching her dance. I even had the opportunity to go up on stage(in front of everyone) and dance with her. It was an experience I know I will never forget. Here are some pics I took after her recital of her in her outfit.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
So Thankful
This year I am so grateful for all I have. Because I have a lot to be grateful for... Here are just a few things:
In addition to all that I also have my health and especially my job to be thankful for. They have been doing job cuts at my work and I am so lucky to not have mine cut...
In addition to all that I also have my health and especially my job to be thankful for. They have been doing job cuts at my work and I am so lucky to not have mine cut...
Monday, November 22, 2010
Its that time of the year again....
Monday, October 25, 2010
October Update
So at the beginning of the month I celebrated my 26th birthday. First Mike took me to the Melting Pot for my birthday dinner. A-MAZ-ING!Then early in the morning on my birthday(Sunday) Mike took me to do something I've wanted to do for as long as I can remember-go on a hot air balloon ride. Seriously, even though it was slightly crowded, I LOVED it. It was so much fun. So peaceful and serene. Looking out over Phoenix was so cool. And the weather was perfect! And once it was all over(we landed in a pile of lumber... quite interesting and funny), there was a little breakfast with orange juice, chocolate filled croissants, mini quiche lorraine, and baby bell cheese. Simple yet good. And because we had to leave early and eat in the van(we had to take some of the other passengers to meet their bus) we got to keep the glasses that had the "Balloonist's Prayer" which was pretty cool. Then after relaxing fro the day Mike and I headed to my bestie Steph's for dinner and cupcakes which her and Desiree made. And Desi even gave me the great present of smashing a cupcake in my face. It was a great birthday and I had a blast. Couldn't have asked for a better one.
And well it's still October. Halloween is coming up but unfortunately, for the first Halloween ever I won't have Desiree with me. So it will just be another day for me. So Steph's husband Dom decided to have Desi come trick-or-treat at their house. She dressed up as a ballerina in her new leotard and a tutu. She had a blast and got tons of stuff she likes. It was a fun and creative way for her to have halloween here in AZ and she'll still have her real trick-or-treating as Minnie Mouse in Utah.
And well it's still October. Halloween is coming up but unfortunately, for the first Halloween ever I won't have Desiree with me. So it will just be another day for me. So Steph's husband Dom decided to have Desi come trick-or-treat at their house. She dressed up as a ballerina in her new leotard and a tutu. She had a blast and got tons of stuff she likes. It was a fun and creative way for her to have halloween here in AZ and she'll still have her real trick-or-treating as Minnie Mouse in Utah.

Saturday, October 23, 2010
August/September Update
So it's been a bit since I last updated... ok so it's been about 2 months. So I guess I have quite a bit to update you all with.
Pretty good but busy month. For some odd reason August always is for me. I started out August by going to a Toby Keith concert with one of my best Friends Desi(not my daughter). It had been a while since I had gone to a concert(that wasn't Miley Cyrus or Jonas Brothers). And the best part is tickets were only $10! We had such a blast! We then celebrated Desiree's 4th birthday with an excellent birthday party down here in AZ at a place called Val Vista Lakes. This place is great. On one side there is a heated pool and a hot tub and on the other side a big "beach"(or a pool area that has been made to look like a beach with sand and everything). Desi loves swimming here. So she got to go swimming and hang out with friends and family for her birthday. She is for sure one spoiled and VERY loved 4 year old.Thanks to the help from my best friend Steph Hodgson and her husband Dom it turned out to be a fun party for everyone. Dom even arranged a pirate treasure hunt(cause Desiree LOVES pirates) for all the kiddos there. And Steph made sure Desi had the best and cutest "baby soup"(as Desi calls it) for her party.
Also during the month of August my parents came for their yearly visit for a month. It was good to see them and have them here to visit. I know they had fun but I have this feeling they didn't like the heat too much here...
September wasn't that special of a month. Nothing major really went on during it besides doing a little swimming and hanging out. I did end up getting to spend a little time in Vegas with Mike(my boyfriend-YES I have a boyfriend).
But that's my update for August and September. Here's pics:
Pretty good but busy month. For some odd reason August always is for me. I started out August by going to a Toby Keith concert with one of my best Friends Desi(not my daughter). It had been a while since I had gone to a concert(that wasn't Miley Cyrus or Jonas Brothers). And the best part is tickets were only $10! We had such a blast! We then celebrated Desiree's 4th birthday with an excellent birthday party down here in AZ at a place called Val Vista Lakes. This place is great. On one side there is a heated pool and a hot tub and on the other side a big "beach"(or a pool area that has been made to look like a beach with sand and everything). Desi loves swimming here. So she got to go swimming and hang out with friends and family for her birthday. She is for sure one spoiled and VERY loved 4 year old.Thanks to the help from my best friend Steph Hodgson and her husband Dom it turned out to be a fun party for everyone. Dom even arranged a pirate treasure hunt(cause Desiree LOVES pirates) for all the kiddos there. And Steph made sure Desi had the best and cutest "baby soup"(as Desi calls it) for her party.
Also during the month of August my parents came for their yearly visit for a month. It was good to see them and have them here to visit. I know they had fun but I have this feeling they didn't like the heat too much here...
September wasn't that special of a month. Nothing major really went on during it besides doing a little swimming and hanging out. I did end up getting to spend a little time in Vegas with Mike(my boyfriend-YES I have a boyfriend).
But that's my update for August and September. Here's pics:
Monday, August 16, 2010
Baby girl turned 4 last Saturday the 14th... I can't believe how fast time has from flown!Here are some pictures I took before her party last Saturday.. I'll post some party pics another entry...
Thursday, July 1, 2010
It's Gettin Hot in Herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
Ok! So don't ask me why, but I obviously haven't updated lately. Guess there's been a lot to keep me busy! Work, play, and taking care of the little Monkey I call Desiree. So I'm trying to think of the last time I wrote...and I can't.. So I'll just do a little update
April-Desiree and I took a little trip with my friend Desi and her daughter to the beach in California. Let's just say I never wanted to leave! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the beach!
May-Well... nothing exciting happened that I can remember.
June-Desiree went and spent 3 weeks with her dad up in Utah. Austin and I met in Vegas to exchange Desiree.
I had PLENTY of alone time. I managed to go out with roughly about 14 different guys in 3 weeks on dates. Needless to say I wasn't very bored those three weeks. Dating is fun... and good for me...
Also, in the "me time weeks" I decided to go back to my "roots". Yes that's right I am back to being a blonde again....

Also, during June Desiree had her first slumber party...Oreos, breakfast, hair straightening, shoe fashion show(yes with my shoes), etc filled...Good times.

Oh and it was my first slumber party as a mom. Such a crazy thing to think about! My baby is growing up *tear*
Oh! And I also had the chance to hang out with one of the guys that served as a missionary in my ward in Chambersburg,Pa.(and as pretty much everyone knows I LOVED missionaries when I was younger hehe). Kinda a crazy thing! But it was tons of fun getting to see him and actually go to dinner after 7 years of not seeing him. Lots to catch up on. I'm sure we'll hang out again.
(this is obviously from when he was still on his mission...7 years
And so yea, there's my update...I'll try to be better from now on :-)
OH!!! I forgot mostly importantly I saw Eclipse and can I just say I LOVED it!!!!! Jacob is sooooooooooooo hot and this movie he has no shirt on the most of the time...which was sooo a-ok with me!!!!
April-Desiree and I took a little trip with my friend Desi and her daughter to the beach in California. Let's just say I never wanted to leave! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the beach!
May-Well... nothing exciting happened that I can remember.
June-Desiree went and spent 3 weeks with her dad up in Utah. Austin and I met in Vegas to exchange Desiree.

I had PLENTY of alone time. I managed to go out with roughly about 14 different guys in 3 weeks on dates. Needless to say I wasn't very bored those three weeks. Dating is fun... and good for me...
Also, in the "me time weeks" I decided to go back to my "roots". Yes that's right I am back to being a blonde again....

Also, during June Desiree had her first slumber party...Oreos, breakfast, hair straightening, shoe fashion show(yes with my shoes), etc filled...Good times.

Oh and it was my first slumber party as a mom. Such a crazy thing to think about! My baby is growing up *tear*
Oh! And I also had the chance to hang out with one of the guys that served as a missionary in my ward in Chambersburg,Pa.(and as pretty much everyone knows I LOVED missionaries when I was younger hehe). Kinda a crazy thing! But it was tons of fun getting to see him and actually go to dinner after 7 years of not seeing him. Lots to catch up on. I'm sure we'll hang out again.

And so yea, there's my update...I'll try to be better from now on :-)
OH!!! I forgot mostly importantly I saw Eclipse and can I just say I LOVED it!!!!! Jacob is sooooooooooooo hot and this movie he has no shirt on the most of the time...which was sooo a-ok with me!!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Well I haven't updated lately... No excuses as to why...Just haven't. But I've totally been reading everyone Else's updates... Anyway. Lets see what's gone on with me since I last updated:
*I made my first trip up to Utah since the divorce and since I moved here to Arizona.It had been about 4 months. I thought I would be OK.. I wasn't. It was nice to see my friends Leauna and her family and a couple of my other friends from my old job at the hospital. But I couldn't stand being there...I had flashbacks of all the bad memories and just the claustrophobic feeling I had before I left Utah. I ended up even cutting my trip short. And to top it all off, I got stuck in snow when I was leaving. I literally had to get out of my car twice in the middle of I-15 (in my flip flops because I totally forgot to take shoes with me) and move snow from around my tires because my car was STUCK right in the middle of the freeway. And of course people got out to help other cars that got stuck... Not me. But that's OK. I managed and made it back to sunny Arizona 13 hours later... It was a long day.
*The Tuesday before I made my trip to Utah my car was broken into. They broke my rear passenger window and stole my purse(i had forgotten to grab it out of my car). So needless to say when I came out the next morning to leave for work I had no window and no purse. Oh and no access to money... The police ended up finding my purse and wallet... But the people who did it took my 2 bank cards, my drivers license(which was my utah one), my phone chargers(both my car one and my regular one), and my small digital camera. I was lucky enough to get back the rest of my credit cards and my social security card. So I had to take an extra day off work and go get an arizona license...after looking half the day for my birth certificate. And lucky enough I have a good friend who helped me out by going with me to get plastic and tape to cover my window and he "bandaged" up my window for me. At some point I will get it fixed... I have to pay for it it may not be for a few months that I get the window fixed.Its all good though.
I think that is the majority of my updates. The weather here has started getting gorgeous! I am so loving it! I know within a couple months though it's going to hit the 100s... I'm OK with that. But that means I'll be doing more swimming. Which means I need to loose the 30 pounds I put on dealing with the stress of my divorce and all. I'm pretty excited though cause at work they are doing "the Biggest Loser" thing. It's free and who ever wins it gets a $200 gift card for a new wardrobe. I'm OK if I don't win. I just want to loose the weight again! And I think this will give me good incentive!
Now it's kinda my venting/complain time... So I got this way at Thanksgiving, Christmas and New years, and now Easter...I'm honestly in a mood...I guess you could call it a funk...where I don't even care to celebrate holidays. If I had it my way I probably wouldn't have celebrated any of them. I'm hoping its just cause it's been my first holidays "single". But I don't know. I don't miss being married per say, but I miss the "family aspect" of holidays..and well some days in general. I don't feel bad or regret my decision to get divorced(as bad as that may be), because honestly it has been the best thing for us all. I just miss having a "family". I know Desi and I are our own little family but it's not the same. So right now with Easter being here, I haven't been in the mood to do anything "eastery". Tonight I did dye eggs with Steph and Desi. It was fun. But yea, needless to say I am ready for Easter to to be over. I know that's the wrong attitude, but I'm just being honest. I want to snap out of this funk/mood.
Well I'm laying here falling asleep FINALLY! So that is all for now...

Sunday, January 31, 2010
"I Gotta Watch My Back Cause I’m Not Just Anybody"
Ok... So lately I've kinda been in this weirdish mood... I've been craving change and I've also been wanting to try anything and everything New foods, new clothing styles, new shoes, etc.....Strange I know. I really want to rearrange everything in my apartment... But I've only lived here for 2 months so I figure to appear as though I am semi-normal maybe I should wait at least another month... But I did decide that it was time for a change with my hair...

I like it actually and have decided I'm going to keep it dark for a while. But yea, I can't quite explain my "mood" that I've been in... But it's a weird one...But a good fun one!
Well, I've been doing a lot better with the going to church thing... That is mostly in part to Desiree. She is now in Primary as a sunbeam and she LOVES LOVES LOVES it... Which is a good thing. But yea, I went to church 3 of the 4 sundays in January. GO me! And yea, it's a great ward... The people are all very nice. And they actually talk to me(which is the problem I ran into being in my Utah wards-no one would talk to me when i would go). So that also makes it a little easier to go.
I'm still lovin Arizona! Seriously, this has been the best thing I have ever done was move down here. I couldn't be happier! It's a beautiful state. The weather is absolutely perfect(most of the time). Seriously, I never want to ever leave Arizona...

So the other night my brother(my mom and one of my brothers are here visiting me for a little bit...) and I were given tickets (by my home teacher) to the Suns/Bobcats basketball game(great seats too! 16th row from the court). I was pretty excited... Even though I've been a jazz fan I thought maybe if I was impressed, I would find a new team... So anyway. I just have to say, I am still a jazz fan... Honestly the suns fans suck as far as I'm concerned... Don't get me wrong, I had a blast at the game and had a blast hanging out with my brother, but there wasn't nearly as much "support" or "rowdiness" from the fans like at a Jazz game. I've been to quite a few jazz games and they are always a blast and LOUD... seriously, it was almost like going to a funeral...It was soooo quiet at the game. And another thing, the suns players aren't nearly as cute as jazz players are. So even though I am living in Arizona I am going to openly admit I am sticking by the Utah Jazz...
And yea... well that's my update for now...

I like it actually and have decided I'm going to keep it dark for a while. But yea, I can't quite explain my "mood" that I've been in... But it's a weird one...But a good fun one!
Well, I've been doing a lot better with the going to church thing... That is mostly in part to Desiree. She is now in Primary as a sunbeam and she LOVES LOVES LOVES it... Which is a good thing. But yea, I went to church 3 of the 4 sundays in January. GO me! And yea, it's a great ward... The people are all very nice. And they actually talk to me(which is the problem I ran into being in my Utah wards-no one would talk to me when i would go). So that also makes it a little easier to go.
I'm still lovin Arizona! Seriously, this has been the best thing I have ever done was move down here. I couldn't be happier! It's a beautiful state. The weather is absolutely perfect(most of the time). Seriously, I never want to ever leave Arizona...
So the other night my brother(my mom and one of my brothers are here visiting me for a little bit...) and I were given tickets (by my home teacher) to the Suns/Bobcats basketball game(great seats too! 16th row from the court). I was pretty excited... Even though I've been a jazz fan I thought maybe if I was impressed, I would find a new team... So anyway. I just have to say, I am still a jazz fan... Honestly the suns fans suck as far as I'm concerned... Don't get me wrong, I had a blast at the game and had a blast hanging out with my brother, but there wasn't nearly as much "support" or "rowdiness" from the fans like at a Jazz game. I've been to quite a few jazz games and they are always a blast and LOUD... seriously, it was almost like going to a funeral...It was soooo quiet at the game. And another thing, the suns players aren't nearly as cute as jazz players are. So even though I am living in Arizona I am going to openly admit I am sticking by the Utah Jazz...
And yea... well that's my update for now...
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Wake Up In the Mornin Feelin Like P-Diddy...
Well, first off Happy New Year. In honor of a new year, I decided it was time that I finally start up my blog again. Like my title,I'm starting off fresh. 2009 was a mostly craptastic year...Desiree broke her arm and had to have surgery(twice), I lost friends and family members that I was rather close to, and as most of you know I got divorced. But there were things in 2009 that were good: I managed to loose 60 pounds(but gained some back thanks to stress), was able to travel quite a bit to places I had never been or hadn't been in a long time, finally moved out of Utah and down to Arizona, and was finally able to become friends with my ex-husband again. So I am determined to make 2010 a good year. With my fresh start I'm going to actually take advantage of it and change stuff. First off I'm going to loose the weight I gained. I am going to get back into going to church again(since I basically have been inactive for the past year and a half). I am going to take every opportunity to make and gain new friends and also keep a good relationship with the ones I already have both in Utah and here in Arizona. I am going to continue to make sure Desiree is happy and have tons of fun with her and teach her new things. And I am going to learn to budget and save money. And that's just a start of what I am going to do this year. I'll get a head start on those and then I am sure I will add more stuff in there. Well, I better get to bed so I can work on one of my goals:Going to church tomorrow.... So nuh-nite!
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